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Watch live or on-demand to learn how you can stop ransomware, contain cyberattacks, and reduce risk on your path to Zero Trust
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Ransomware Happens. We stop it from spreading.
presentation and demo
Lighting a Path to Zero Trust: 6 Steps to Implementing a Zero Trust Model
Despite acknowledging its security benefits, many organizations hesitate to implement a Zero Trust model. An "all or nothing" approach to Zero Trust is a tall and unsustainable task. What if you took a more incremental, agile approach that allows your organization to make realistic steps toward achieving Zero Trust? Join Illumio as we will discuss..
• Why taking a waterfall approach to rolling out Zero Trust is fraught with risk of failure
• How adopting an agile mindset significantly improves the chances of success of achieving the Zero Trust security goals
• The six steps to pragmatically build your Zero Trust security program using a repeatable process
• How security controls like segmentation can help tackle focus areas such as workload protection
• A demonstration of each of the six steps in action in the context of segmentation – see how an application is taken through the full cycle
Developing your 2022 Security Plan
Constantly growing in importance, security plans are continually morphing and evolving as new threats emerge and new opportunities arise. Join Nathanael Iversen, Chief Evangelist, from Illumio to learn how you can protect your organization from these risks by removing cloud visibility gaps, de-risking ransomware concerns, and isolating & protecting high-value assets.
Mitigate Ransomware and Other Stealthy Threats with IBM QRadar + Illumio
For several years, the integration of Illumio’s Telemetry and Zero Trust Network Segmentation controls with IBM’s market-leading QRadar platform has provide enterprises and partners with a best-in-class combination. Illumio pioneered the category of Zero Trust Network Segmentation in 2013, and since 2020 Forrester Research has ranked Illumio as the top-ranked Zero Trust ISV. In 2021, the rise of ransomware and other stealthy threats has compelled 98% of EMEA Enterprises to either begin or accelerate their journey to a Zero Trust approach. These same enterprises are increasingly relying on MSSP’s and other security service providers to provide Zero Trust as turnkey service.
Please join the webinar co-hosted by IBM Security and Illumio, to learn how to co-leverage Illumio + IBM Security to prevent ransomware and other lateral attacks from becoming catastrophic, how to achieve earlier detection and response, and how to partner with Illumio and IBM Security to accelerate your organization’s Zero Trust journey.
Illumio & IBM Eine starke Allianz gegen Ransomware
Einen Cyberangriff zu verhindern, ist heute fast unmöglich. Herkömmliche Sicherheitslösungen zur Erkennung und Reaktion reichen nicht mehr aus. Es braucht nur eine offene Tür, um Ihr gesamtes Netzwerk zu gefährden.
Mit Illumio können Sie Ihre Schwachstellen schnell und einfach erkennen und einfache Maßnahmen zum Schutz Ihres Unternehmens ergreifen. Zusammen mit den IBM Security Services erhalten Sie Beratungs- und Integrationsunterstützung sowie einen 24x7 Global oder EU-Based Managed Service für Illumio.
In unserem Webinar mit Thomas Scholz, IBM und Alex Goller, Illumio zeigen wir Ihnen, wie Sie:
- die Schwachstellen in Ihrem Unternehmen aufdecken und verstehen können sowie Ihre Angriffsfläche zu reduzieren
- Illumio in Ihr SIEM integrieren und dadurch Ihr Threat-Management verbessern und Ihre Response Zeit verkürzen können
- welchen Mehrwert ein gemeinsamer Lösungsansatz Ihrem Unternehmen bringt
Fast Path to Reducing Ransomware Risk with Illumio
See Your Risks. Take Simple Steps to Stop Ransomware
Modern ransomware is one of the most significant cybersecurity threats to critical services, compute environments, and user endpoints today. While breaches may be inevitable, total infection is not. Zero Trust frameworks and the principle of least privilege effectively reduce ransomware risk so that a breach doesn't become a cyber disaster. But where do you start?
Join us to hear the techniques commonly used in ransomware attacks to understand why they succeed and how Illumio can stop them, ensuring cyber incidents don’t become cyber disasters.
You will learn:
• Essential steps to stop ransomware from spreading to its ultimate target
• Strategies to thwart attacks from the start at the endpoint
• What Zero Trust Segmentation capabilities are crucial for automated, scalable protection
Assume Breach.
Minimize Impact.
Increase Resilience.
Ready to learn more about Zero Trust Segmentation?