From chaos to clarity: The solution for localization project management

Alina Bojescu 16 Jun 2023 7 mins read
Localization is crucial for global business expansion. However, without the right technology, adapting products, services, and content for different markets and languages becomes inefficient and costly. This is where localization project managers step in. Regardless of job titles, they oversee the entire process, facilitating collaboration, ensuring project progress, and maintaining stakeholder relations. 
One of the biggest challenges of managing localization is juggling several projects at once for different stakeholders across your organization, all while working with translators in different teams and time zones. The process can get very complicated - very fast. With all these spinning plates in the air, localization project management without a dedicated translation management system (TMS) can quickly turn chaotic.  
What project management is like without a TMS
A complex process
Managing your localization projects is already a complicated process. Below is an example of a rather inefficient workflow. You can start to see here just how many steps there are in the process. Every step is manual and requires effort – look how many times a file is saved and unpacked, for example (highlighted by the red boxes).
First-hand accounts from localization project managers
In our conversations with localization project managers, we spoke about their firsthand experiences of handling localization projects without the aid of a TMS.
1. The distribution of translation assets
This was a big challenge. It comes as no surprise that relying solely on email proved to be inefficient for this purpose. I’m sure those of you who have done this before can relate to how not only is there a lot of back and forth, but it’s difficult to keep track of email streams and manage files distributed by email. Moreover, email lacks the robust security measures necessary to mitigate human error, such as the inadvertent sending of sensitive information to the wrong recipient.

2. Inefficient communication with translators
Without a TMS, valuable time can also be wasted on making phone calls or sending emails to identify an available and suitable translator for new assignments. Sarah Ori, Principal Project Manager, RWS, used to be responsible for contacting each individual translator of each job. This meant that the more languages involved, the more tedious it became. 

3. Tracking projects and reporting
Additionally, many project managers would have to manually track translation projects and generate reports using spreadsheets. Consequently, the time-consuming process of chasing progress updates and keeping translators, reviewers, and customers informed via email was also unavoidable. Without translation management technology, project managers often turn to spreadsheets as a way of tracking progress and creating reports, all of which is incredibly time-consuming. 
Industry pressures

In today’s digital era, companies are increasingly embracing online platforms to sell and promote their products and services and reach a broader audience than ever before. However, the ease and speed of producing digital content translates to a significant increase in the volume of content that needs to be localized, which was evident in our Translation technology insights 2023 report. Below you can see in which areas many corporates, LSPs and translators are seeing the biggest increase.

With these increases in industry pressures, the only way this demand can realistically be met is through the proper implementation of a modern translation management system.

Benefits of Trados technology

Now, let’s shift our focus to an innovative solution that has transformed the landscape of localization project management: Trados. As a leading TMS in the industry, Trados offers a comprehensive suite of features and capabilities designed to streamline the localization process.

1. Consistency with easy sharing of translation assets

As a project manager, whether you work within an organization or with external clients, consistency is key. Trados features such as online termbases and translation memory (TM) which can be accessed by translators and updated in real time can help your team achieve much more accurate and consistent translations.

2. Increase productivity and save substantial amounts of time

Trados significantly reduces the time spent managing localization projects. For instance, the manual process of contacting translators and assigning work, which often involves lengthy email exchanges for each language and project, becomes streamlined. Whether you manage 5 or 50 teams, Trados automates assignments with a simple click, eliminating the time wasted in identifying translators for new assignments.

Additionally, the cloud environment enables easy online editing and review by allowing reviewers or subject matter experts to comment on projects, saving you from having to extract the content from CAT tools and manually send it to them.

3. Track and report on key metrics

As a project manager, keeping track of metrics and KPIs is essential for forward planning and reporting back to clients. Trados helps you identify working trends, such as bottlenecks, which can improve planning and client communication. What’s more, your clients or the departments you work with can trust that human error is out of the equation when it comes to reporting, since that’s done automatically by the TMS.

In addition to solving the challenges for project managers already listed, with Trados you can be sure to:

Become more productive

Trados comes with a variety of features that were built with your productivity in mind. Everything you need is on one platform, from termbases to all the various projects you’re overseeing. And the same can be said about your translators or reviewers – saving you from having to tediously save file versions and notify stakeholders of the latest updates.

Gain peace of mind

With Trados, you can rest easy knowing that your project isn’t going anywhere. If somebody on your team is not available, there’s always a way to track/access the files online. With Trados, you can also control who has access to translations assets and for how long thanks to a centrally secure environment.

And that wraps it up – a brief overview of how Trados can simplify the localization project management experience. If you’d like to see it for yourself, watch our free webinar recording in which Roman Jhukov, Language Technology Consultant, takes you through the many features of Trados. This demo provides valuable insights into how Trados is used by localization experts for a more streamlined localization project management experience.

If you’ve got any questions about Trados and how it can support you, please get in touch here.


Alina Bojescu

Marketing Campaign Manager
Alina is a Marketing Campaign Manager at RWS, focused on promoting Trados to Corporations. She has a bachelor’s degree in Publishing Media, and over six years of marketing experience.
All from Alina Bojescu