Continuing our commitment to translate everything with the Trados Studio 2022 service release (SR1)

Nicole Loney 26 Jun 2023 6 mins read
Designed with your feedback in mind, Trados Studio 2022 delivers an unrivalled, powerful desktop and cloud solution, empowering you to work in the most efficient and cost-effective way. But recently at ELEVATE, the Trados online conference series, we committed to helping localization professionals translate everything, going farther to enable you than ever before. As part of this commitment, our latest service release (SR1) delivers powerful new capabilities and enhancements to many of the features delivered in our initial 2022 release.
Additionally, we want to ensure you have everything you need to be successful. As a special offer for new and existing customers, we are including the following:
  • Translate everything automatically: We recently announced the return of adaptive MT via our advanced machine translation, Language Weaver. As a reminder, you get 6 million characters per year, for free, which is roughly 1.2 million words!
  • Translate everything easily: We also want to help everyone get the most out of their technology. To help you to do so, we’re including our Level 1 eLearning for every Studio 2022 customer, so you can work confidently in your translation environment.
  • Translate everything intelligently: Generative AI has taken the industry by storm recently, with many prognostications about its impact on our daily lives. It remains to be seen if any of those predictions will come true, but we want to make sure that any future is a place where translators thrive and gain advantages from this new technology. So for all who upgrade, we are promising free access to future AI capabilities that we will deliver to Trados Studio.
As you can see, there’s never been a better time to upgrade or join us. Read on to learn what updates have been made and how we believe these will help to bolster your translation productivity, while improving your overall experience.

Designed for however you work

In our Translation Technology Insights 2023 study, we learnt that the majority of users (68%) want us to make technology easier to use, in comparison only 7% want new features. We hear you loud and clear: improve what’s there to better support your evolving needs. That’s why SR1 delivers many important enhancements to existing functionality – based on feedback you shared in our community – including:

  • New desktop editor technology – resulting in faster file opening, seamless handling of larger files and enhanced visual quality, for a better user experience.
  • Improved terminology handling – Studio now presents less false positives in the term check. We know this has been widely asked for over the years and are very happy to address it with this release.
  • Full support for Trados GroupShare projects in the Manager view – You may remember we released the Manager view (BETA) with Trados Studio 2022, which provides a more unified way to manage projects and files. Originally just supporting local Studio projects, this new view can now handle GroupShare projects too, completing support for both local and server projects. Compatibility with cloud projects and other project types will come soon.
  • The progress bar in the files view now lets you check your progress based on both remaining words or segments for increased flexibility – a highly debated idea on our community, so we’re very pleased to deliver this one!
Designed for wherever you work

As you know, Trados Studio is more than just a desktop CAT tool. It extends seamlessly into our cloud-based environment, providing you with flexible options for the translation, review and management of your projects. From our 2022 release, Trados Studio users have had access to free essential cloud capabilities as part of their licence, so you can combine the power of desktop and cloud-based working as you see fit.

Our cloud platform is continuously updated with new innovations and features, which are available to you as soon as they are released. Some of the most recent updates include bringing smart actions to the online editor, in-line with what is already available in the desktop editor. You can now quickly place any elements from the source to the target segment whether they are tags, acronyms, terms or formatting. In addition, you can now quickly add comments in the online editor and easily view document structure information. By aligning functionality across both environments, users will be able to move between them confidently and efficiently. You can learn more about the hundreds of updates that have been made to the cloud on the community.

To ensure the desktop component of Studio remains a good companion to the cloud platform, we’re consistently strengthening their integration. SR1 continues this trend by better supporting the migration of large translation memories and termbases to the cloud, making transitioning to cloud ways of working a breeze. Studio now also offers enhanced support for custom workflows in cloud projects (available with Trados Accelerate and Trados Enterprise), allowing users to freely move files along the workflow in the same way as in the browser.

Designed for whatever you work on

With Trados, you can rest assured you can handle any file type and accept jobs from anyone. In SR1, we continue to build on that promise by delivering over 40 file type refinements, keeping pace with the latest developments. Most notably, modern comments in Microsoft PowerPoint are now fully supported, plus support for Adobe InDesign 2023 has been added.

Meet your new AI-powered translation companion…

On the subject of recent innovations, we’re also excited to offer a new app that brings the large language model behind ChatGPT to Trados Studio: OpenAI Translator. This new app, available to download from the RWS AppStore, works as a translation companion. It can help you refine your work and tackle a wider range of linguistic challenges – ultimately elevating the overall quality of your translations. Using a list of predefined or custom prompts, you can do things such as:

  • Generate alternative translations for the current translation proposal.
  • Provide additional information about the source/target content.
  • Change the tone of voice of a translation.
  • Reduce the length of a translation.
  • Avoid gender bias.
  • … and endless other new exciting possibilities (the sky’s the limit!)

Learn more about this new app, including how to use and configure it, in this wiki article on our community.

This is just the beginning of new AI-powered features we’re delivering to Trados Studio. In the future we will add support for other LLMs that offer similar capabilities, giving you freedom to choose the right tools for your work. We’ll extend the functionality beyond the segment to the file and project levels, and we’re actively researching where we can apply AI to other areas to increase your productivity, such as regular expression building throughout Studio, terminology research assistance, and perhaps even a project creation companion to ensure faster, easier projects where nothing gets overlooked.

Designed for you

No matter where you are on your localization journey, whether you’re a freelance translator, LSP or corporation, you can rest assured Trados has been designed for you. We’re always looking for new ways to improve our offerings to help you succeed, and with that in mind, we’re introducing some new vision accessibility features in Trados Studio 2022 SR1 that will enable users with low vision to interact with the ‘Create New Project Wizard’. You’ll be able to use screen readers, such as JAWS, to read all the controls on the wizard, plus voice control to fill in the required fields. This is just one of the first steps we plan to take to make our offerings more accessible for all users.

And don’t forget, alongside Trados Studio 2022 SR1, as usual, we’re also releasing the latest service release for MultiTerm 2022 to ensure maximum compatibility.

That’s it for our SR1 round up. As you can see, we’ve included a wide range of features and enhancements in this release, and this is just a snippet of what’s to come! Should you wish to learn more about all the developments included, read our Trados Studio 2022 SR1 release notes, or watch our what’s new video.

If you are not yet using Trados Studio 2022 but would like to take advantage of these new features, upgrade now.

Get in touch

Nicole Loney

Product Marketing Manager
Nicole is a Product Marketing Manager at RWS. Nicole focuses on the translation technology needs of freelance translators and LSPs. She is responsible for generating product-focused content and conducting market research for the Trados portfolio. Owing to her degree in marketing and French, Nicole has developed a passion for consumer behavior, understanding what customers need and directing them to solutions that will help.
All from Nicole Loney