Translate everything automatically with Language Weaver

Nicole Loney 24 Jul 2023 6 mins read
We recently shared our industry commitment to translate everything – together we want to remove language barriers to bring the world closer together, enable better global communication and help facilitate economic growth.  
To achieve this goal, we know technology must play a role, particularly machine translation (MT). Machine translation enables you to instantly translate large volumes of content quickly and easily; it increases your productivity and the ability to deliver translations faster, reducing time to market. If companies want to attempt to localize all their translatable content in order to provide a great customer experience for everyone, they need to consider integrating machine translation into their translation workflows.   
It’s no secret though that doing so can sometimes be challenging, which is why we’ve decided to include Language Weaver in all our Trados editions, making the inclusion of machine translation as turnkey as possible. While this capability was previously available in Studio and Enterprise, it has now been expanded to Team and Accelerate, with an annual allowance of 60 million characters respectively. The combination of Trados and Language Weaver will make it easier than ever to accomplish the goal to translate everything. 
I had the opportunity earlier this week to speak to Mark Lawyer, General Manager of Trados, and Mihai Vlad, General Manager of Language Weaver, to get their thoughts on this great partnership. Below is a summary of what they had to say.  
Mark Lawyer
Our goal at Trados has always been to make our clients’ lives easier and help you grow globally by pioneering, innovating, and delivering reliably day in and day out, and that won’t ever change. With this in mind, we’re very excited to now be able to include Language Weaver in all our Trados editions.  
Those using Trados Studio have already been benefiting from Language Weaver, which has been a great productivity aid, freeing up valuable translator time to focus on content that requires more nuance. Language Weaver has also been integrated with our bespoke translation management solution, Trados Enterprise, from its inception. As a natural next step, we’re now including Language Weaver in our Trados Team and Trados Accelerate packages, so all customers have the option to translate everything automatically.  
Mihai Vlad
At Language Weaver, we have been productizing Linguistic AI for over 20 years and have assembled a world-leading team of Machine Learning (ML) and Natural Language Processing (NLP) experts to help us deliver the latest advances. With over 3,000 language combinations available, brand and fluent terminology management, plus the ability to continuously improve the translation models, Language Weaver is the perfect MT provider for your business.  
Combining the power of Language Weaver with the Trados platform allows our customers to better manage the growing volume, velocity and variety of multilingual content they may be facing. The two have always been tightly integrated, however by combining our offerings, we’re making it easier than ever to leverage the latest AI developments in your translation workflows.  
If you’re interested in learning more about how the combination of Language Weaver and Trados can help you achieve your business goals, please get in touch. 
Get in touch

Nicole Loney

Product Marketing Manager
Nicole is a Product Marketing Manager at RWS. Nicole focuses on the translation technology needs of freelance translators and LSPs. She is responsible for generating product-focused content and conducting market research for the Trados portfolio. Owing to her degree in marketing and French, Nicole has developed a passion for consumer behavior, understanding what customers need and directing them to solutions that will help.
All from Nicole Loney